My Christmas playlist and wish from me,3170390
No, no .. That will not be a normal playlist. I do not like Christmas songs, the more I do not know of any memorized and do not sing. I want to show you MY unique Christmas playlist. Just click on the title and take you to YouTube. :)

3. "Kolęda"
5. "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree"

Besides, I do not like Christmas. We all meet, the artificially smiling and always the same, "Merry Christmas." Fake it all .. So, if we needed opportunity for that meet the family. Yes, we need a stupid tradition to give to a gift for someone you love.
Supposedly Christmas is magical. I somehow do not notice at. It is (should be) snow, lamps, lights, beautiful clothes, Christmas tree, the love in the air .. nonsense.
Sharing the wafer .. Another false tradition. You say, "All the best" and think "I do not like you" and the artificially smile, and that person responds simply, "It's the same for you," and away you go.
But without going into the hatred for Christmas, because ever really liked them, after all, I would like you to wish.
At the end of today Christmas Eve!

On the occasion of Christmas, I would like to wish you first of all true love and sincerity and great friendship. Unforgettable adventures and health, so that you can relive those wonderful moments. The fulfillment of your dreams and reaching the set goals, perseverance in what you are doing and may you find something that will make you immense joy! All the best!

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