The Best of 2015

How do you pass the start of 2016? My started well, although New Year's Eve was not happy, yet from the beginning they meet me, both the bad and good moments, but these good is definitely more. :) I have a feeling that this will be my year. ;)

In this post I want to tell you about my favorite things of 2015. I want to point out that this is just my opinion, which may differ from your, so I encourage other bloggers to write such posts and add the link - I would be happy to read, or just writing here in the comments, I'll be very pleased. :)

1. Movie
For a long time I thought about it and chose "The Martian". I will not dwell on why. The movie you have to just watch.

2. Tale
In 2015 the world mastered the "Minions" but I choose "Inside Out." Fantastic production, which perfectly amuse you. Both for those younger and older. ;)

3. Song
There is definitely winning The Weekend - The Hills - fell in love with this song! Rhythm, expressive bass, good vocals and interesting text. Not everyone will like it (especially when it comes to text), but I grabbed something and I'm a huge fan of the this singer.

4. Soundtrack
Although the average movie I liked, the quality, photos, and above all music, referred to here from the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" is amazing! HERE you have to link to the playlist of all the songs that I think are fantastic.

5. Applications
In 2015 he reigned Snapchat and I can not deny it, but I choose Wattpad. My knowledge is limited and do not know when this application was created, but despite this, I met her recently and I immediately liked it! Almost all the books at your fingertips! You can first read an excerpt from the book before you decide to buy it or read it all. I also liked the fact that you can yourself create the some text, and who previously read my blog knows that I'm a fan of all the work of your own!

6. Cosmetics
Here I have two subcategories: care and makeup.
Regarding the first, I choose a conditioner for nails Eveline 8 in 1. I know that not everyone fits, but me tremendously improve the appearance of the nail and quickly they grew. Unfortunately, as soon as I finished and I stopped using it, they returned to their previous state, so if have become dependent on it. This is the only flaw I noticed.
In matters of makeup in 2015. I discovered two equalizers which very well checked on my face, and these are: Catrice Camouflage Cream, as well as KOBO Professional Perfect Cover Stick. If you want to know more about my cosmetics - tell me, and certainly I wil be happy to share this with you. :)

7. YouTuber
I often watch YouTube. Person I saw most often was definitely Ewa with RLM, and in second place Karolina Stylizacje, and another Zuzia - Banshee. All three channels I found by accident and I have to say that the manner and subject filming the girls so captivated me and that I am up to date with every movie. :)

8. Book
My favorite book in 2015 turned out to be "So close .." Tammara Webber. I wrote about this in a post Zaczytana. This book so I liked that I started finding more parts, because there are three. The second can be found at Empik, but the third does not exist anywhere. It is called "So sweet" or "sweet." If anyone knows where to find it, please let me know!

That's all. :)
So, as I wrote above, I encourage you to write your own opinion on the subject, in comments below. I'm looking forward! :)

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