Before you see the punch line, some translations ... a long time I wondered what I should write. Once upon a time there was no such lightness on my blog.
And that'll put a post, and it'll put something, and that something else. My last post was strong. Sometimes I wonder if not too strong, but on the other hand, I think not, because I expressed my feelings.
Looking at the comments I saw some grievances, which in total are understandable.
Some could misunderstand this entry. I did not mean that it no longer wishes to blog, only that he felt pressure from society to say anything. But enough of these sensitivity. Time to go to the main thread of this post.

I would like to tell you how to make your own lip balm.
What you need:

* Coconut oil and petrolatum (can be used interchangeably)
* candle
* spoon
* stick mixing
* Bottles lotion
* some vitamins in liquid (optional)
* smells of food (optional)
* Lipstick (optional)

As you can see here is very large freedom and what you add will be important as your moisturizer you will look, smell and how nourishing.
Lipstick is there to give color, but if someone wants to make clear lotion, let it adds nothing. :)
Fragrances of course give a nice smell in the mouth and vitamins are nutrients, but if you use coconut oil, he is already very nourishing. I would recommend refined, the smells and feels much more valuable components. :)

Now, how to make our lotion because it is the most important:

1. The tablespoon applied coconut oil and petrolatum in a ratio of 1: 1 and dissolving the burning candle, all the while stirring gently.
2. When the weight is slightly smooth, add the remaining ingredients, ie. Vitamins, fragrance, lipstick, etc. I gave balm orange. I found him a new life. :)
3. Be careful not to boil everything, we just want that the substance is completely homogeneous and smooth. Once you get this condition, poured it into bottles lotion and put in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes.

Just be careful not to hold the lotion where it is warm, because it dissolves and then always it can be put back in the refrigerator. :)

Write me please, if you've used my idea of DIY. I will be extremely happy. :)

Here are the results of my work:

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